Public Notice

Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. 131E-13(d)(7), the Board of Health of Martin-Tyrrell-Washington District Health Department (the “Board”) is providing notice of its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in the Behavioral Health Conference Room of the Washington County Health Department located at 198 NC Hwy 45 North, in Plymouth. In addition to other agenda items, the Board will consider a resolution to approve the terms of the Asset Purchase Agreement by and between Martin-Tyrrell-Washington District Health Department and Adoration Home Health Care Virginia, LLC, an affiliate of Res-Care, Inc., d/b/a BrightSpring Health Services (“BrightSpring”). If approved, the Asset Purchase Agreement will effectively sell substantially all of the assets utilized in the operation of Martin-Tyrrell-Washington District Health Department’s home health agency, Roanoke Home Care, to BrightSpring.

As of Friday, July 19, 2024, the Asset Purchase Agreement will be made available for public inspection on weekdays, during normal business hours, in the Martin-Tyrrell-Washington District Health Department Finance Office, which is located at 198 NC Hwy 45 North, in Plymouth

The Governing Board of MTW District Health Department

The Board of Health of Martin-Tyrrell-Washington District Health which serves Martin, Tyrrell, and Washington counties is established and maintained as the governing body in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina of General Statutes §§ 130A-34 through 130A-42.


The Board of Health serves as the policy-making, rule-making, and adjudicatory body for the district health department. The Board of Health is charged with the immediate care and responsibility of the health interest of the district. The board seeks active public participation in the overall community health improvement process.

The District Board of Health has 15 members. The commissioners of each county in the district appoint one of their members to the Board of Health. These appointed commissioner members then appoint the other members of the Board including at least one licensed physician licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina, one licensed dentist, one licensed optometrist, one licensed veterinarian, one registered nurse, one licensed pharmacist and one professional engineer.

If there is not a member of the district available for appointment as designated above, additional representatives of the general public shall be appointed.

When a member of the general public is appointed due to the unavailability of one of the licensed or professional level members shall serve only until a licensed or professional member can be appointed.

The composition of the Board shall reasonably reflect the population makeup of the entire district and provide equitable district-wide representation. All members shall be residents of the district.

Board of Health Members

Updated: 10/22/2024

Chairman: Laurie Irwin-Pinkley

Martin County

  • David “Skip” Gurganus – Commissioner
  • Dr. Robert C. Mills, Jr. – Optometrist
  • Vacant
  • Laurie Irwin-Pinkley – Registered Nurse, Chair
  • Wayne Peel – Public Member
  • Elbert Highsmith – Public Member
  • Mark Phelps – Public Member, Vice Chair
  • Dr. Ben Shelton – Veterinarian

Tyrrell County

  • Tommy Everett – Commissioner
  • Dawn White – Public Member

Washington County

  • Ann C. Keyes – Commissioner
  • Ashley Leggett – Pharmacist
  • Katie J. Walker – Public Member
  • Elaine Lancaster – Public Member
  • Dr. Terry Thompson – Dentist