Our Mission
The mission of Public Health in Martin, Tyrrell and Washington Counties is to strive to promote healthier lifestyles, reduce risks, disabilities, and years-of-life lost by providing personal and environmental health services. This mission will be accomplished through collaborative team work and commitment to quality of life with the communities under the leadership of competent health professionals.
Our Vision
A community whose population demonstrates healthy behaviors and recognizes the Health District as a leader and a valued partner in achieving and protecting the health of the community.
Our Environmental Health staff works to keep our community healthy in the most basic ways: they protect our water supplies from sewage contamination and they help ensure safe food at area restaurants through regular inspection.
Our Health Education staff leads us in regularly assessing our community’s health needs and then in developing educational programs targeting these potential health problems.
Our Community Health Services staff provide case management for women and infants before and after childbirth and works with families to promote their well-being.
Our Clinical Services staff provides dental and health screening, prevention and treatment for health and dental problems, and investigation of communicable diseases.
Our WIC staff assures adequate nutrition for mothers and young children.
Our History
- MTW was established as a district in 1974.
- Number of Employees: Over 75
- Over 27 programs within MTW
- Over 7 sites of operation under the MTW Umbrella
- Three County Base Service Area Population: 35,900
- Approximate Land Area: Over 1198 Square Miles